The top link below will take you to the
Seasonal Weight Restrictions page of the County Road Association of Michigan.
The second link is to a map of Newaygo county roads displaying more Frost
Law information - PDF file (1,457 KB)
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download of this program. If you have any questions about the policies
please contact the Newaygo County Road Commission office.

available as a PDF 66 KB file download for printing, click
Definition of weight restrictions: Reduction
of speeds (reduced to 35 mph) and weights (reduced by 35%) during the spring
thaw. Permit or bonding of roads required for loads at full weight.
Why have weight restrictions: Weights
and speeds are reduced to prevent the damage to flexible based roads during
the exit of frost from the ground. State law mandates the institution of
weight restrictions on March 1st of every year. Individual counties can post
weights before or after March 1st depending on weather conditions.
What roads have weight restrictions: All
flexible based roads including gravel roads. For truck operators map or
information, contact the Newaygo Co. Road Commission.
Bonded Roads:
• $5000.00 Minimum per
each segment up to 0.5 mile • $10,000.00 Minimum per mile • $250.00 fee for
blanket permit
Blanket permit will only allow trucks to and from the
business or project site that the bond pertains to. This permit is only
valid for the bonded road segment. A copy of the permit will be
carried in vehicle(s) at all times. Newaygo Co. Road Commission reserves the right to revoke any
bond to prevent further damage to roadway. Bonded segments of roadways will be inspected and documented
before bonding and after weight restrictions are lifted. If any major damages have occurred within the bonded segment,
Newaygo Co. Road Commission will use the bond money to repair the road and then will release what is left in the bond
afterwards. If no damage has occurred, the bond in full amount will be released. Road restriction signage will not be removed from any bonded
segment of roadway in order to protect you and the bond.
Milk Haulers: Approved routes and times at $25.00 per vehicle. Newaygo Co. Road Commission may grant exemptions to milk
haulers on specified routes when requested in writing. Approval or denial will be granted within 30 days after submission of
permit application. If request is denied, the written notice shall state the reason(s) for denial and alternate routes will be given that
would be covered under the permit.
Agricultural: $25.00 per day/ or per number of trips/ or for a certain
time of day depending on the specific circumstances. Agricultural commodities includes those plants and animals
useful to human beings, produced by agriculture and includes, but is not limited to, forages and sod crops, grains, and feed
crops, field crops, dairy and dairy products, poultry and poultry products, cervidae, livestock, including breeding and grazing, equine,
fish, and other aquacultural products, bees and fertilizer, livestock bedding, farming equipment, and fuel for agricultural use.
The term “agricultural commodities” shall not include trees and lumber.
Perishable Items: These items include feeds and raw milk products and any
other products that can or would spoil in a certain length of time. -Permit restrictions and fees will be same as milk hauling
Construction Activities: Case-by-case basis.
Utilities: Newaygo Co. Road Commission shall be notified not less than
48 hours before the pickup or delivery of the time and location of the pickup and delivery. Newaygo Co. Road Commission shall
issue a permit and will not charge a fee that exceeds the administrative costs incurred. A permit shall contain the
designated route(s) of travel, the date and time period requested, a maximum speed limit if necessary, and any other specific
conditions agreed to by the parties.
General Specifications: Maximum weight allowable is 35% less than the maximum axle
loads. Any loads more than this weight restriction will need a permit. Advanced notice of 48 hours requested, not including
Saturday or Sunday. There will be no permits granted verbally or by phone. Every
permit will be documented. In certain emergencies such as loss of existing utilities or services, permits may be carried out by fax, with a
hard copy being sent out immediately afterwards. |